7 research outputs found

    Adicci贸n a los Videojuegos: 驴Qu茅 podemos aprender desde la perspectiva de la neurociencia de la comunicaci贸n?

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    In recent years, video game addiction has received considerable empirical attention. Unfortunately, this research is stymied by inconsistencies in both conceptual and operational definitions of video game addiction. Moreover, the use of several video game addiction scales makes it difficult to estimate the prevalence and potential effects of video game addiction. While game genre is often treated as a predictor of video game addiction, existing measures often downplay the structural and social characteristics of video games that may contribute to behavioral outcomes such as increased playing time and addiction. In an effort to provide the clarity necessary to overcome these issues, we review research on video game addiction with a focus on the largely ignored unique characteristics of video games that are crucial for a more complete conceptualization of video game addiction. With this review in mind, we offer a conceptual framework for the integration of video game addiction within the broader context of behavioral addictions. Finally, we consider the neurological foundation of addiction and suggest opportunities for media neuroscientists to increase understanding and prediction of video game addiction and explore how game content features interact with reward systems in the brain.En los 煤ltimos a帽os, la adicci贸n a los videojuegos ha recibido una atenci贸n emp铆rica considerable. Desafortunadamente, la investigaci贸n en este campo se encuentra obstaculizada por inconsistencias en definiciones conceptuales y operacionales de la adicci贸n a los videojuegos. Por otro lado, el uso de varias escalas de adicci贸n a los videojuegos dificulta la estimaci贸n de la prevalencia y los efectos potenciales de la adicci贸n a los videojuegos. Mientras el g茅nero del juego es considerado frecuentemente como un predictor de la adicci贸n a los videojuegos, las medidas existentes restan importancia a las caracter铆sticas sociales y estructurales de los videojuegos que pueden contribuir a resultados conductuales tales como un incremento en el tiempo de juego y adicci贸n. En un esfuerzo por proveer de claridad necesaria para subsanar estos problemas, se realiza una revisi贸n sobre investigaciones relacionadas a la adicci贸n a los videojuegos con un enfoque en las caracter铆sticas de los videojuegos extensamente ignoradas y que son cruciales para una conceptualizaci贸n m谩s completa acerca de la adicci贸n a los videojuegos. Con esta revisi贸n, ofrecemos un marco conceptual para la integraci贸n de la adicci贸n a los videojuegos dentro un contexto m谩s amplio como el de las adicciones conductuales. Finalmente, consideramos la base neurol贸gica de la adicci贸n y sugerimos oportunidades para los neurocient铆ficos de la comunicaci贸n con el objetivo de incrementar la comprensi贸n y predicci贸n de la adicci贸n a los videojuegos y explorar c贸mo los elementos de un juego interact煤an con los sistemas de recompensa en el cerebro

    The Dynamics of Rewards and Punishments in Video Games: A Content Analysis

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    In recent years, concerns over video game addiction have increased. Both individual factors (such as impulsivity and reward sensitivity) and content features in video games (such as reward and punishment features) play a role in the development of video game addiction. In the current study, a content analysis coding procedure is developed in order to categorize the reinforcement schedules of three existing commercial video games from three different genres. Our findings indicate that the reward features in the game The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot resembles a partial reinforcement schedule while the reward features in the games Team Fortress 2 and Destination Sol resemble a continuous reinforcement schedule. This key finding demonstrates that the reward content features in commercial video games can be classified along a theoretically meaningful dimensions put forth by Operant Conditioning Theory. Furthermore, in this study we pilot tested several outcome measures related to video game addiction that will be crucial to our conceptualization of video game addiction in the future including a measure of playing time, game enjoyment, trait impulsivity, a measure of behavioral impulsivity, and the game addiction scale. We found that the video game with a partial reinforcement schedule was significantly more enjoyable than the video games with a continuous reinforcement schedule

    The Dynamics of Rewards and Punishments in Video Games: A Content Analysis

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    In recent years, concerns over video game addiction have increased. Both individual factors (such as impulsivity and reward sensitivity) and content features in video games (such as reward and punishment features) play a role in the development of video game addiction. In the current study, a content analysis coding procedure is developed in order to categorize the reinforcement schedules of three existing commercial video games from three different genres. Our findings indicate that the reward features in the game The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot resembles a partial reinforcement schedule while the reward features in the games Team Fortress 2 and Destination Sol resemble a continuous reinforcement schedule. This key finding demonstrates that the reward content features in commercial video games can be classified along a theoretically meaningful dimensions put forth by Operant Conditioning Theory. Furthermore, in this study we pilot tested several outcome measures related to video game addiction that will be crucial to our conceptualization of video game addiction in the future including a measure of playing time, game enjoyment, trait impulsivity, a measure of behavioral impulsivity, and the game addiction scale. We found that the video game with a partial reinforcement schedule was significantly more enjoyable than the video games with a continuous reinforcement schedule